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  • Writer's pictureLiselle Bryan

Build a Pink Bridge with Pink Bricks

This is a step-by-step guide to building a bridge with you Pink Legos!

A bridge symbolizes connection and unity, overcoming the obstacles that stand in front of you in the most efficient and creative way possible. That is what Pink Lego and #EmpowerPinkBricks is all about! Follow these steps to building a bridge so that you can stand united and connected when overcoming all of the obstacles that lay in front of you.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin, make sure that you have all of your Pink Legos needed to build a strong and sturdy bridge! The assortment of bricks you will need include flat tiles, plates, beams, and specialty pieces such as arches. Other pieces such as baseplates can be utilized for stability.

You also want to be sure you have a clean and well-lit workspace in order to take advantage of the full limits of your creativity!

Step 2: Design and Plan

You may want to start by sketching out a rough design of your Pink Lego bridge! Consider all aspects of your bridge, such as the size, shape, style, and dimensions. In this step you may also wish to determine the purpose for your bridge, such as what it will be used for and the inspiration behind it.

Step 3: Bridge Deck

Now it's time to build! Star by putting together the bridge deck. Using flat tiles or plates, create a stable surface for your bridge. It is important to be sure it is wide enough to accommodate what you intend your bridge to be used for, whether that is motor vehicles, or pedestrians.

Step 4: Bridge Support

This part is crucial for the stability of your bridge. Construct strong and secure pillars using various Pink Lego bricks and beams. Pay close attention to the symmetry of your support pillars to ensure they are evenly spaced along the bridge.

STEP 5: Archways or Trusses

For an arched bridge, you will want to incorporate your arches during this step. For truss bridges, you can now add truss structures underneath the deck to add desired authenticity and design. These elements enhance the aesthetics and structural integrity of your bridge in the way you like best!

Step 6: Decorating

Now it is time to get creative! Add railing, lampposts, trees, or any other decorative elements you desire! This is the time to give your Pink Lego bridge style and make it all your own. Pay attention to all of the little details as they can make a difference when it comes to the final look.

Step 7: Adjustments

At this point you may want to test your bridge in order to ensure everything is correct. Test the functionality and strength of your bridge by simulating your intended use of the bridge, if any adjustments need to be made you can do so now.

Now you are all done! At this point you can take pictures of your Pink Lego bridge or put it on display. Keep an eye out for loose pieces and signs of wear and tear as time goes on; maintenance is key to the continued strength of your bridge!

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